Software: Overview of the year 2023
Numbers and facts
The turnover of is made up of the three pillars of maintenance, projects and licence sales. In 2023, we sold nine licences of Viriato.Standard and one licence of Viriato Enterprise. In addition, we sold licences for the add-on modules MicroscopyOnDemand (5 licences), Vehicle Rostering (1) and Trip Time Analysis (1).
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Product Management Review 2023
As part of the ongoing development that we undertake to improve the features of Viriato for our users, amongst many tactical improvements in 2023 we have implemented a lot of new functionalities.
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#openviriato grows out of its infancy
Four years have passed since our last report on the topic and the first invitation to participate in our #openviriato collaboration initiative. During this time, we have continued to work with our partners on the implementation of the programme. We initially focussed heavily on core investments, such as expanding the Algorithm Platform and building an interested network in the academic community.
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Microscopy on Demand: Improved display of microscopic conflicts
This year, we have greatly improved the functionalities for displaying microscopic information in MoD (Microscopy on Demand). This was mainly achieved by enhancements to the topology viewer. The topology viewer is a GUI component in Viriato-MoD that can be used to display the microscopic track topology in the macroscopic client. The information for this is provided via a specific microscopic service.
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