
Správa železnic (SZCZ) nutzt jetzt Viriato
SZCZ, der Infrastrukturbetreiber der Tschechischen Republik, hat Viriato-Lizenzen und Schulungen von SMA erworben. Diese werden zur Unterstützung der strategischen Arbeit an der langfristigen Entwicklung des Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzes und als Werkzeug für die Ergebnisse des „Timetable Redesign Prozesses“ (TTR), einschließlich der Kapazitätsstrategie und der Kapazitätsmodelle, eingesetzt. Diese Elemente des TTR-Prozesses sind eine Reihe von Plänen und Arbeitsabläufen, mit denen die Wünsche der EVU, sowohl im Personen- als auch im Güterverkehr, mit der verfügbaren Netzkapazität, einschließlich geplanter vorübergehender Kapazitätseinschränkungen (TCR), in Einklang gebracht werden können. Mit diesen Prozessen bildet Viriato nun einen integralen Bestandteil des Fahrplangestaltung von SZCZ.

Autumn 2024 Viriato Standard and Enterprise release
We are pleased to announce that the Autumn 2024 Viriato Standard and Enterprise releases have been delivered to our customers.
In addition to the ongoing performance and stability improvements we continuously undertake to improve Viriato, and the implementation of customer specific functionality delivered in their own program versions, the following features are some specific highlights of this product release available to all:
- This release switches to the Microsoft .NET 8 framework. This provides the long-term assurance that Viriato is maintainable for the future.
- To improve security, all program components are now digitally signed with a digital certificate to guarantee the authenticity of the software.
- The railML 2.2 importer handles defined remarks in the train path and timetable nodes, and the route finding has been improved for trains without section information allowing a choice of routing strategies.
- Microscopy on Demand has been extended to include new user selectable behaviour when the microscopic and Viriato models have differences. Also, when working with different infrastructure variants in Viriato Enterprise the conflicts and block occupations indicate whether they belong to the same infrastructure or not. MoD is also now fully functional in Viriato Enterprise and can be linked with different microscopic models for alternative infrastructures.
- In the robustness analysis the primary delay evolution of a robustness analysis run can now be exported to a spreadsheet with the existing outputs.
- A new platform assignment funder module has been added which can search for conflict free platform assignments in stations for existing timetables. This optional module also requires a separate Gurobi licence.
If you are interested in learning more about this release, or Viriato in general, please do not hesitate to contact viriato@sma-partner.com.

Spring 2024 Viriato Standard and Enterprise releases
We are pleased to announce that the Spring 2024 Viriato Standard and Enterprise releases have been delivered to our customers.
- In addition to the ongoing performance and stability improvements we continuously undertake to improve Viriato, and the implementation of customer specific functionality delivered in their own program versions, the following features are some specific highlights of this product release available to all:
- Timetable remarks can now apply to the whole train and be overridden for individual portions of the train run.
- The Viriato Enterprise mini calendar has now be reorganised so that the functions take up less screen space to improve usability.
- TAF/TAP-TSI fixed nodes can now be defined, and a plausibility check is available to ensure that the user has complied with the rules that trains should be planned to stop at these nodes.
- TAF/TAP-TSI lead RU’s can be updated for multiple trains in bulk.
- TAF/TAP-TSI relevant information has been added to the railML export.
- When importing trains using railML and the data contains differences between the infrastructure in the railML and the Viriato database, the user now has more options for how to treat the missing nodes to ensure that the imported trains are valid in Viriato.
- Rolling stock definitions now have a dated validity, allowing improved management of rolling stock by creating multiple versions of a vehicle which differ in certain attributes.
- In the customer timetable it is now possible to see which operational trains form a commercial train.
- In the graphic timetable and platform occupation views, the line number of a train can now be displayed as a label.
- In the platform occupation view when viewing a topology, the direction of train movements has been clarified with arrows, and the ability to select trains which overlap on the diagram has been improved.
- In Microscopy on Demand (MoD), the use of mixed models where part of the infrastructure is mapped to a microscopic model in an external system, and the remainder of the infrastructure is only mesoscopic has been implemented. This enables the use of larger models and the focusing of detailed effort on areas of specific interest.
- In MoD, the display of signals and stopping points has been added to the topology viewer.
- In the trip time analysis module, when working with commercial trains it is now possible to open these trains from the analysis view.
- The running time calculator now has a user configurable default speed for the case where the speed profiles are not fully defined.
- The robustness analysis can now be carried out only for a specific region of the Viriato infrastructure, allowing the user to focus on the area they are studying without having to model the entire network with the consequential performance implications.
- The path search module now includes additional settings allowing finer control over how the conflict free paths are found. These include settings which control how much additional time can be added to a train run, whether reserves should be kept for performance purposes, the ability to ignore capacity restrictions in nodes where the user believes sufficient capacity will be available regardless of the analysis, an problem analysis mode which identifies the nodes with insufficient capacity when conflict free paths cannot be found and the improved selection of multiple trains for the case where the user is inserting different trains sequentially into the timetable.
- The train conflict report in the conflict detection now considers infrastructure variants and versions when working in Viriato Enterprise.
If you are interested in learning more about this release, or Viriato in general, please do not hesitate to contact viriato@sma-partner.com.

Viriato-Wartung und Weiterentwicklung bei der DB Fernverkehr AG und DB Regio AG für weitere acht Jahre
Das Fahrlagenplanungssystem Viriato ist bei DB Regio AG und DB Fernverkehr AG seit rund 25 Jahren im Einsatz. Der Vertrag für die Wartung und Weiterentwicklung von Viriato Enterprise wurde um weitere acht Jahre verlängert. Viriato wird bei beiden EVU heute in unterschiedlichen Planungshorizonten (Mehrjahresplanung, Jahresplanung, unterjähriger Planung) verwendet. Das Kernelement besteht dabei aus der Trassenbestellung des Jahresfahrplans bei DB InfraGO AG und der Weitergabe der Trassenverträge an Folgeprozesse.

Viriato-Wartung bei der SBB AG für weitere vier Jahre
Die SBB AG setzt Viriato seit 2003 in der Lang- und Mittelfristplanung ein. Nun wurde die Wartung für Viriato Enterprise um vier weitere Jahre verlängert. In der Langfristplanung nutzt die SBB AG Viriato im Netzdesign sowie zur Entwicklung der Ausbauschritte und der Netznutzungskonzepte (NNK) im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Verkehr (BAV). In der Mittelfristplanung entstehen mit Viriato Baufahrplankonzepte und im Auftrag des BAV die Netznutzungspläne (NNP). Dabei dient der zuletzt vom BAV genehmigte NNP als Grundlage der TTR-Kapazitätsstrategie für das entsprechende Jahr.