
January 2025

Feasibility study for the introduction of a direct Luxembourg - Saarbrücken / Mannheim train connection

The Luxembourg National Mobility Plan (PNM) 2035 proposed the improvement of high-priority international connections, particularly between Luxembourg and Saarbrücken, Mannheim and Frankfurt. On this basis, the public transport authorities of the three countries concerned (MMTP, SPNV-Nord, ZÖPNV Süd, Région Grand Est, MUKMAV) decided to commission a feasibility study for a direct rail link between Luxembourg, Saarbrücken and Mannheim. Starting from a defined reference situation, scenarios will be proposed to meet the identified demand potential and to compare different routes (for example via France or Germany). Intermediate steps will also be proposed for the best scenarios to enable short-term improvements that are compatible with the long-term vision. SMA will contribute to this study its expertise and knowledge about the three countries concerned as well as an international perspective.

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January 2025

CP: New timetables for high-speed line phases

SMA will be working with CP – Comboios de Portugal, Portuguese Railways – to study the development of its services on the Portuguese network at several stage of realization of the new high-speed line connecting Lisbon to Porto. The new infrastructure requires to rethink the whole offer strategy, including long distance and regional trains as well as urban trains. The project includes the determination of a phasing scenario of new service concepts and timetables and the evaluation of the impact of the new offer on the rolling stock.

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December 2024

MUKMAV: Feasibility study into the reopening of railway lines in Saarland (Germany)

The Saarland Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Mobility, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (MUKMAV) presented the results of a feasibility study on the reopening of railway lines for local passenger transport in Saarland at a state press conference and at a specialist information event for the municipalities and districts concerned.

SMA worked with other partners on this feasibility study for MUKMAV and developed numerous timetable variants for the integration of these reopened lines into the existing network. All documents, plans and results can be found on this website:

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November 2024

NAM: Study of an Adour - Pyrenees fare network

Nouvelle Aquitaine Mobilités (NAM) is a group of public transport authorities in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region. SMA has been commissioned to support NAM and its members in setting up a fare network covering the French Basque Country, the southern Landes department, the Adour Valley and the Pyrenees. The aim of such a project is to unify the fares of the various public transport networks in this area (road and rail, urban and interurban), in order to make them easier to use and to erase the borders between the individual networks.

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November 2024

StMB: Initial results of the ‘Nuremberg S-Bahn expansion programme’

The Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport (StMB) has presented the initial results of its ‘Nuremberg S-Bahn Expansion Programme’ at a dialogue forum.
SMA has been working together with partners in a team for the StMB and in the last few years has analysed, planned, and evaluated numerous schemes around Nuremberg. Read more in the StMB press release:

The results presented at the dialogue forum can be found here: Schieneninfrastruktur – Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr (

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October 2024

StMB/Landkreis Kulmbach: Future battery-powered trains in Upper Franconia (Bavaria)

We are delighted to be part of the team of experts working with Enotrac ( and to have been able to contribute to this study. Our tasks were to develop and test the timetable concepts and rolling stock rosters for the battery-powered vehicles.
For more information, see the press release from the Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport (StMB):

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October 2024

St-Etienne Métropole: Analysis of the tram network and proposals for improvements

St-Etienne Métropole (SEM) aims to improve the performance of their public transport network (trams and buses). The tram network currently comprises three lines, of which line T1 operates at 3' intervals and is overloaded for some services. The objectives of the study awarded to SMA are to analyse the current operation of the tram lines in terms of passenger numbers, timetables and punctuality. Based on this assessment and developments in the operating environment (e.g. the BRT M6+ project), proposals will be formulated for short and medium-term adjustments to the operating concept, which may include changes to the infrastructure, while maintaining the current size of the vehicle fleet.

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September 2024

Canton of Nidwalden : Review of public transport strategy

In accordance with the cantonal law on public transport, the canton of Nidwalden reviews its public transport strategy every 4 years. This sets out the strategic framework for the development of rail and bus services in terms of cost-effectiveness, demand and quality of service.

The key challenges facing public transport in the canton of Nidwalden are the high level of demand and the corresponding focus of services towards Lucerne, and the challenging service requirements and consolidation of demand in rural and sparsely populated areas through a cost-effective public transport offer.

SMA und Partner AG was commissioned by the canton of Nidwalden to verify the application of the service principles, compliance with the cantonal regulations, cost-effectiveness and quality of the offer, as well as to plan and evaluate the development of the public transport service for the period 2025 to 2028. The public transport strategy also includes a longer-term perspective to assess the possible effects on parts of the strategy. The transport operators are involved in the development of the strategy.

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August 2024

StMB: “Munich Region Rail Expansion” programme

With the “Munich Region Rail Expansion” programme, the Free State of Bavaria is ensuring that the rail infrastructure around Munich and southern Bavaria is fit for the future. SMA, working with partners, has analysed 44 options, their impact on traffic and their constructability as part of feasibility studies for integration into an overall concept including a second main S-Bahn line. The specialist work has now been largely completed and was presented to experts and elected representatives from the region on 22 July 2024.

For further information, see the press release from the State Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport (StMB) (

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July 2024

ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG: Modular service planning for the 2040 target network

ÖBB presented the railway network of the future ("Zielnetz 2040") to the public at the 2040 Target Network conference. The 2040 target network is the long-term development strategy for railway infrastructure in Austria. The draft 2040 target network was developed jointly by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG and Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH (SCHIG mbH). During the preparation of the technical design, new and upgrade projects were identified, evaluated and selected as a set of modules.

SMA evaluated the procedure on behalf of ÖBB and developed service and timetable concepts for selected modules, for which appropriate measures were derived and analysed technically. Finally, the modules for the 2040 target network were selected based on a cost-benefit analysis. SMA also supported ÖBB with stakeholder management for freight transport.

Further information is available at: and

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July 2024

SGP: SERM Mulhouse/Basel-Mulhouse link – Multimodal feasibility study for an overall plan

As part of the regional express metropolitan transport (SERM) programme being implemented throughout France, particularly in the Grand Est region, SMA is assisting the Société des Grands Projets (SGP) with the SERM for Mulhouse and the Basel-Mulhouse connection, which were recently designated with this SERM classification by the French government. The study consists of two stages, starting with an analysis phase and an assessment of the study area, followed by the development with stakeholders of scenarios for the final evaluation. The study covers all aspects of public transport, from rail and road services to interfaces, passenger information, car-sharing, fares and ticketing, amongst others.

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Juni 2024

DB InfraGO AG: KaZu Novum – Capacity planning for “mKoK 2026ff”

As part of the KaZu Novum project ("Capacity Planning and Allocation of the Future"), DB InfraGO AG is seeking to implement optimised capacity planning and allocation, regarding traffic type for capacity distribution. This procedure is applied to the medium-term concept for optimised capacity utilisation (mKoK) for the 2026 and subsequent timetables. SMA's task here is to support DB InfraGO AG in the internal development of the timetable and process-related aspects of stakeholder management, considering the mix of transport modes.

Technically, the work is being carried out in close cooperation with DB InfraGO AG with both macroscopic and microscopic timetabling tools, using Viriato MoD in compliance with the DB planning rules regarding reserve times, passenger connection times between trains, and standard and construction time allowances. Since 2016, SMA has developed the Microscopy on Demand (MoD) concept, which supplements the Viriato software by providing access to microscopic services.

 Further information on mKoK 2026ff as well as the published results can be found at:

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March 2024

SUT Schifffahrt und Technik: Optimierte Hafenbahn-Terminals

Die Zeitschrift "Schifffahrt und Technik SUT" hat in ihrer aktuellen Ausgabe einen Artikel von SMA veröffentlicht. SUT berichtet darin über unsere Methoden zur Optimierung von Hafenbahn-Terminals mithilfe unseres innovativen Leistungsfähigkeitsmodells, u.a. anhand von Beispielen aus Antwerpen und Basel.

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March 2024

VM: Long-term infrastructure assessment for the Stuttgart railway hub

On behalf of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport (VM), SMA has successfully completed the study on infrastructure requirements in the core area of the major Stuttgart hub after a project that lasted more than two years. The result is a development concept that will make the 2040 Stuttgart hub ready for the implementation of the state of Baden-Württemberg's transport transformation goals. In an iterative process between service planning and traffic forecasts (carried out by a partner), a clear recommendation was made in favour of pursuing a T-shaped network between Stuttgart-Feuerbach and Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. Even with further increases in train numbers or during disruptions, neither the service concept nor the traffic forecasts showed that adding an additional station was preferable to this concept. The analyses also showed that in the future, with short train headway times in the digitalised Stuttgart hub and the corresponding rolling stock, the potential bottleneck with mixed traffic and at-grade junctions would be on the approaches to the area, and not in the core area itself.

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March 2024

RMV: Further development of express bus services for the RMV regional network

The Rhine-Main Transport Association's (RMV) regional public transport plan is their central means of guiding the further development of public transport. The current plan identifies around 60 potential axes to be analysed for their suitability for express bus services. SMA has developed specific routes and timetables for each of these and conducted a cost-benefit analysis based on the timetables developed. This analysis considered several criteria such as potential passenger demand and journey time improvements. The application of the cost-benefit analysis led to a prioritisation of the transport axes which can be used as a basis for decision-making regarding the express bus routes. The next step was to examine the existing bus services for potential deficiencies and optimisation potential. One element of this analysis was the identification of service gaps between medium-sized and regional centres within the RMV. For the identified gaps, additional new bus routes and timetables were developed.

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February 2024

Nouvelle-Aquitaine region: Support with the preparation of the first competitive tender process

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region has commissioned SMA to assist it in preparing the first lot of its regional railway services to be opened up to competitive tender. The aim is to determine the possible developments of the offer at different times during the contract based on several scenarios and to estimate the corresponding resources required, particularly rolling stock. Our work, which is being carried out in close collaboration with the region, will be incorporated into the preparation of the specifications for this tender and the associated economic evaluations.

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February 2024

BMDV: Strategic implementation plan for the Deutschlandtakt (phased implementation)

The Deutschlandtakt is to be implemented in stages as the target timetable for the railway of the future. The German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) has commissioned SMA to prepare an expert opinion on the development of the Deutschlandtakt implementation phases. The objectives of this include:

  • Introduction of a phased implementation process for the Deutschlandtakt target timetable
  • A standardised, recurring planning process for infrastructure development phases defined in line with the Deutschlandtakt objectives
  • Identification of realistic network-wide service increases and the available capacity during each phase

The study is being carried out by SMA in collaboration with its partners ifok, Intraplan and TTS TRIMODE. The work began at the start of the year and is scheduled for completion in 2025.

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January 2024

Province of Groningen: Improvement of the northern rail network

In the context of the Deltaplan Noord Nederland which include two potential new rail links in the North of The Netherlands (Lelylijn and Nedersaksenlijn), SMA was awarded the study of the improvement of the existing network which encompass the entire northern network with or without the mentioned network developments. The timetable study will try to maximise the positive impact of the new rail links on the entire region, based on proposed service developments. The results of the study will serve the Province of Groningen (in collaboration with other Provinces and Municipalities) as an input for infrastructure feasibility and cost evaluation as well as demand studies.

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December 2023

SPF Mobility and Transport, Technical feasibility study for Vision Rail 2040 in Belgium

SMA wurde vom Föderalen Öffentlichen Dienst (SPF) Mobilität und Verkehr mit der Untersuchung von Angebots- und Betriebsszenarien für den Schienenverkehr in Belgien bis zum Jahr 2040 auf der Grundlage der in der Vision Rail 2040 der Föderalregierung festgelegten Grundsätze für die Angebotsentwicklung beauftragt. Die Studie soll – auf der Grundlage verschiedener Varianten und in Zusammenarbeit insbesondere mit Infrabel und der SNCB – die Entwicklungsperspektive für das nationale Schienennetz aufzeigen. Das Ergebnis wird einen zukünftigen Verkehrsplan liefern, der die Potenziale für Fahrzeiten, Frequenzen und Umsteigeknoten sowie die damit verbundenen Investitionskosten und die Auswirkungen auf den Modal Split objektiviert (Bewertungen in Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern).

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December 2023

SNCF TER - Operational study into technical movements of the Strasbourg REME

The Réseau Express Métropolitain Européen (REME) in Strasbourg commenced operations in December 2022. SNCF TER has commissioned SMA to model the timetable and vehicle rosters, including maintenance and refuelling, to review the shunting movements in the Strasbourg hub and to plan future developments and the necessary facilities in accordance with the service objectives.

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December 2023

Canton of Vaud: Vision 2050 - Second opinion, optimisation and phasing

The “Vision 2050” strategy launched by the Canton in June 2020 is intended to define a long-term vision for rail services in the Canton of Vaud and the associated infrastructure required, considering the predefined objectives of the national “Rail 2050” perspective. The Canton of Vaud has commissioned SMA to provide both a second opinion on this and proposals for optimising the existing initial version. In addition, the Canton would also like phasing options for this long-term vision to be developed, including the latest developments in the national “Expansion step 2035” programme.

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December 2023

SIAC: Scenarios for improving bus transport in the Chablais (F)

At the beginning of 2023, SMA carried out an analysis of both bus and train services for the Syndicat Intercommunal d'Aménagement du Chablais (SIAC). Based on this, SMA was commissioned by SIAC to design scenarios for improving the bus service to address the issues identified and to propose new solutions to improve the quality of transport connections and the coordination and integration of the multimodal public transport offer.

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November 2023

tl: Analysing the operation and robustness of the 2nd stage of the Lausanne tram

The first stage of the Lausanne tram is currently under construction between Lausanne-Flon and Renens-Gare. The second stage is in the planning phase, with an extension of the tram line between Renens-Gare and Villars-Ste-Croix (Croix-du-Péage) being considered. Transports publics de la région lausannoise (tl) have commissioned SMA to analyse the operation of this second stage and to test the robustness of the planned timetable. This study will make it possible to refine the speed profile of the line and to plan future service developments based on the number of trains used.

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November 2023

RegionAlps: Support to RegionAlps in preparing the 2024 - 2027 timetables

The service structure in western Switzerland and on the Simplon line will change significantly in the short term with the 2025 timetable. RegionAlps has commissioned SMA to identify possible service developments in the RER Valais|Wallis area for the 2024, 2025 and 2027 years, i.e. between St-Gingolph and Brig and between Martigny and Le Châble / Orsières, including tourist traffic. In this context, the 24-hour timetables and vehicle rosters will be analysed, including a proposal for the use of the new Flirt Evo ordered by RegionAlps.

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November 2023

Nouvelle Aquitaine Mobilités: Study on fare harmonisation and the establishment of a fare network

Nouvelle Aquitaine Mobilités (NAM) is an organisation that brings together the mobility authorities of the Nouvelle Aquitaine region in South West France. SMA has been chosen to lead a consortium of consultants to analyse the financial impact of harmonising the eligibility rules for concessionary fares and to assist NAM and its members in setting up fare networks in certain areas of the region. These fare networks, modelled on existing ones in many European countries, are intended to unify the fare structures of the various public transport networks in a region to make them easier to use.

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July 2023

SBB: Operational simulation of the project for a new rolling stock maintenance facility in Aigle

SBB has identified a need to build by 2030 a new maintenance centre for rolling stock in the municipality of Aigle in western Switzerland (NESA project). SBB has developed several infrastructure configurations for this site. SMA has been commissioned to determine whether any modifications of the future NESA maintenance centre's configuration and sizing are required. The changes can be identified by using a simulation of the operation based on various assumptions about planned vehicle rosters to determine the site’s production and operational concepts.

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Juni 2023

SNCF Réseau: Determining the size of the inspection system for high-speed lines

The French high-speed lines (LGV) must be travelled every morning by inspection trains that ensure the integrity of the infrastructure before the passage of the commercial TGVs. To optimise and improve these surveys while using as little capacity as possible, SNCF Réseau is considering various innovative solutions, in particular the "MARS" vehicle. SNCF Réseau has asked SMA to study these different systems in order to define the medium and long-term approach for the inspection of high-speed lines. This support relates to determining the capacity, infrastructure, material and human resource requirements of the different scenarios considered and making a comparison between them. Criteria such as capacity, costs, fleet, personnel and robustness of operations are included in the analysis. The main challenges are optimising the use of resources and minimising the required investment.

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Juni 2023

SNCB, STIB, De Lijn, TEC: Brussels Suburban Railway - Study on the coordination between transport modes and operators

SMA is pleased to support STIB, SNCB, TEC and De Lijn in the study of how different modes and operators of public transport complement each other within the boundaries of the Brussels suburban railway (RER) network. In particular, the study aims to update and enhance knowledge of current mobility demand and to identify current and potential complements between transport modes and operators to improve the quality of the overall public transport offer. This study is being carried out in collaboration with Stratec and Tractebel within the framework of Article 13 of the 2003 RER agreement.

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March 2023

German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV): SMA continues to develop the Deutschlandtakt target timetable

We are pleased that the BMDV has commissioned us to develop the Deutschlandtakt further. Within the scope of the services to be provided, the target timetable for the Deutschlandtakt is to be aligned with the results of the "2040 traffic forecast" and the resulting passenger demand. In addition, updated local transport concepts of the German federal states must be considered. Political objectives, such as the improved connection of major centres with long-distance transport, improved integration of aviation hubs with rail and the strengthening of cross-border connections, as well as the provisions of the Structural Reinforcement Act for Mining Regions, must also be incorporated into the update.

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February 2023

Rail Freight Corridor North Sea – Mediterranean: Capacity Visualisation Study

The stakeholders involved in Cross-border capacity planning and allocation activities potentially work with different processes and software without adequate decision-making tools. This means that there is a lack of a transnational intelligibility of the capacity conditions by all actors through holistic indicators (KPI’s) and visuals. In 2020, a proof of concept (PoC) demonstrated that the import and processing of paths and Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCRs) into a single tool are feasible, and that the production of capacity KPIs and visualisations of this data is possible with (semi-)automated methods. As part of an EU-funded international call for tenders for a follow-up project, the RFC North Sea – Med has awarded a contract to SMA to take the following steps in alignment with the TTR process carried out by RailNetEurope:

  • Apply these methods at a larger scale than in the PoC on real data to produce results that can improve decision-making over the entire corridor
  • Produce systemwide capacity visualisations overcoming the identified obstacles caused by any process issues in the corridor
  • Work with the different stakeholders of the corridor on visualising capacity and to help them to understand the differences between their national processes to improve the cross-border planning processes of paths and TCRs.
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December 2022

SNCF Réseau: Operational study on the development of TER services in the Savoie metropolitan region

The Savoie metropolitan region, which includes the cities of Chambéry, Aix-les-Bains and Montmélian, is experiencing continued population growth and would like to see the development of rail services and the creation of new stops within its boundaries. This initiative forms part of the Metropolitan Express Services (“Services Express Métropolitains”) project. In this context, SNCF Réseau has commissioned SMA to carry out a study aimed at defining a development programme to implement the planned connections over various time horizons, while guaranteeing integration with other rail traffic, particularly freight traffic in the Lyon-Turin project.

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November 2022

Kompetenzcenter Integraler Taktfahrplan Nordrhein-Westfalen (KC ITF NRW): New 2023-2025 framework contract

We are pleased that the KC ITF NRW has appointed us to continue the further development of the integrated timetable for North Rhine-Westphalia for the next 3 years. As in the previous period, the focus in the next three years will be on the further development of the state-wide timetable based on supply-oriented concepts. In addition to the ongoing development of the target timetable, there will be a focus on the design of competitive networks, the reactivation of disused routes and stations, studies concerning punctuality and operational analyses as well as other state-wide topics. The consortium of contractors for this framework contract consists of SMA and VIA-Con.

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November 2022

FOT: Support for the development of the next expansion step of the railway infrastructure

The Swiss Federal Office of Transport (FOT) is preparing between now and 2026 a further expansion step for the Swiss railway infrastructure. This includes an update of the 2035 service concept and an assessment of the first stages of major long-term projects. Within this process SMA is supporting the FOT with technical assistance in service and infrastructure planning.

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November 2022

TL: Operational analysis of phase 1 of the Lausanne - Renens tram

Transports publics de la région lausannoise (TL) is leading the construction of a new tram line between Lausanne and Renens which is scheduled to enter service in 2026. They commissioned SMA to analyse the operation of the line and to test the robustness of the planned timetable. The study began with a reassessment of the base assumptions following several recent developments in the project and was carried out directly in TL's Viriato database. Multiple robustness tests were performed, including using a stochastic approach to consider a range of possible perturbations.

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September 2022

Basler Verkehrs-Betriebe: Optimisation of timetable development

SMA provided advice to Basler Verkehrs-Betriebe (BVB), the public transport operator in Basel, on the principles, mechanisms and planning framework for the creation and continuous optimisation of their timetable. The focus was on the special features of urban transport for trams and buses, including the topics of service and operational quality, data analyses of actual performance, feedback loops and capacity.

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Juni 2022

FOT: Study on doubling the modal share of rail in passenger transport

The Swiss Federal Office of Transport is developing the Rail 2050 perspective based on a set of core principles. As part of the study on the core principle "doubling the modal share of rail in passenger transport", SMA has investigated how large the potential shift from road to public transport would be solely through the adoption of service measures, including which service characteristics would have to be improved and to what extent, and what would be the consequences of the achievement of this core principle on the overall railway system.

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Juni 2022

NAM: Support for a regional multimodal public transport plan

Nouvelle Aquitaine Mobilités is an umbrella organisation bringing together the authorities responsible for mobility in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region. One of its objectives is to develop cooperation between all public transport networks in this large area. SMA, as leader of a consortium, has been commissioned to design a multimodal network for the medium term that optimises rail and road services, both regional and local. This network will be developed on the basis of detailed data analysis as well as expressed mobility needs collected through a consultation process with territorial stakeholders in the form of workshops by mobility catchment area. SMA can contribute its experience, gained in particular in Switzerland and Germany, in the development of integrated transport networks.
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Juni 2022

Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg: 2030 Public Transport Strategy

The cabinet of the German state of Baden-Württemberg has approved the public transport strategy for the further expansion of local public transport through to 2030. We are pleased that we were able to actively participate in the development of this strategy in several areas. Our contribution included the following subjects: operations, quality, vehicles and infrastructure.
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May 2022

EMS: Support for the European Metropolitan Express Network project in Strasbourg

The Eurometropolis of Strasbourg (EMS) and the Grand Est Region have joined forces to set up and develop a European Metropolitan Express Network (REME), the first phases of which will enter into service in September and December 2022. The aim of REME is to improve services to the areas around Strasbourg by creating an integrated multimodal rail and road offer. SMA, leading a multidisciplinary consortium, will support the EMS in designing, preparing the implementation and monitoring the operation of the network over the short, medium and long term.
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May 2022

Région Sud: Support for the Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region railway network

The Région Sud has awarded SMA, working in a consortium with BG and the firm Goutal, Alibert & Associés, two contracts to provide technical support for the planning of the Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region railway network. The first relates to the extensive network of local lines (LDFT) in order to consolidate the region's vision for the future of these lines and to advise the region on technical, legal and regulatory innovations relating to investment and operations. The second contract is to assess the studies of the Provence Côte d'Azur New Line Project (LNPCA) in terms of the regional objectives and to propose project optimisations.
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April 2022

DB Netz AG: mKoK – 2024 Optimised capacity utilisation

On April 1, 2022, DB Netz published a medium-term concept for optimised capacity utilisation (mKoK), which represents an optimal use of the available infrastructure capacity for the 2024 timetable. SMA played a significant role in developing this concept and coordinated it together with DB Netz AG, with stakeholder involvement over the past few weeks. The "Microscopy on Demand" (MoD) architecture developed by SMA was used for the first time. This allows microscopic services such as running time calculation or conflict detection to be called directly from Viriato in order to microscopically check the operability of the concepts. These services were provided here by the system LaaS from the company VIA-Con.
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